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NELI Preschool

Nuffield Early Language Intervention for Preschool

We are always ready to engage in new and innovative research projects.  Involvement in research broadens our knowledge skills, and understanding and enables us to improve our practice in this crucial area.

We have worked with Oxford University on the NELI Research Project, designed to improve the spoken language of all children and increase their working vocabulary.  

We are proud to be recognised as a NELI Ambassador School and to have achieved our Communication Friendly Setting Award for school through our continued work with Elklan.

What is NELI Preschool?

NELI Preschool is a new nursery-delivered oral language enrichment and intervention programme for children in the year before they enter formal education.  The programme provides a 20-week evidence-based language intervention for all children, as well as additional targeted support for the children who need it the most.  The programme:

  • is designed around the principles of shared book reading and guided play
  • is aimed at improving vocabulary, developing narrative skills, encouraging active listening and building confidence in speaking
  • is based on 20 beautiful books published by Nosy Crow which contain a mixture of traditional folk tales, contemporary stories and non-fiction
  • supports language development in all children via whole group sessions led by the nursery teacher
  • provides targeted support for children with weak language skills via small group and individual sessions delivered by a teaching assistant
Why do we deliver NELI Preschool at East Prescot Road?

Since we started delivering NELI Preschool some years ago, the impact on our children's oral language and vocabulary has been phenomenal!  Children make on average an additional 5 months' progress with this intervention, with the greatest impact on children with Special Educational Needs and disadvantaged children children.