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Developing children's language

One of the most important things we will ever learn, is how to communicate with others.  This involves listening attentively and expressing ourselves in return.

Developing language underpins the ability to think and impacts all other learning. Therefore, language development is the main focus of our school curriculum.

Our staff have developed great expertise and knowledge in supporting children’s communication and language. They work with each child on an individual basis, planning individual next steps, which enable each child to have just the right experiences and support to further their skills in understanding and speaking English.

Our staff have been trained in SignalongStaff use these hand signs, along with the spoken word to support children's communication and to access new vocabulary.


URLEY stands for Using Research to improve Language in the Early Years.

We were part of the North West URLEY project which aimed to increase practitioner confidence and skill in supporting children’s communication and language development. As one of the lead schools, we worked on improving our own practice, whilst also mentoring other settings on their own journey of self improvement.

Our staff use the three URLEY Principles of effective language teaching and support:


 1. being a magnet      

 2. being a radiator

3. being a conversationalist