Our School Uniform
Our school uniform for both girls and boys comprises:
- a green school fleece (displaying the school logo)
- jogging bottoms
- a white polo shirt (logo optional)
Our uniform supports your child’s independence (e.g. going to the toilet, hand washing) and enables them to explore every experience we provide for their learning (e.g. creative activities, outdoor play).
We ask that all children wear footwear they can put on independently, such as pumps or shoes with Velcro fastenings.
Children will often change into wellies for outdoor play and will require a pair of wellington boots that can be kept in school. For outdoor play, we provide chidren with waterproof clothing.
Our school uniform fleece jacket and jogging bottoms can be can be purchased from:
School Wear by Lisa West Derby School Wear
275 East Prescot Road and/or 239 - 241 Eaton Road
Liverpool L14 2DB Liverpool L12 2AG
0151- 259 8277 0151-228 7896
Please ensure ALL items of school uniform and your child’s clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s full name, we cannot be responsible for retrieving items if they are not labelled.