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Enhanced Resourced Provision (Nurture Base)

Our Nurture Base provides an individualised curriculum following the Early Years Foundation Stage. This provision is called Enhanced Resource Provision (ERB).

Children have daily one to one interventions led by their teacher and/or key person, sensory based play within our indoor and outdoor provision and sessions in our sensory room. Children have access to daily sensory circuits which include proprioceptive and vestibular movements that are designed to alert, organise and calm.

Eligibility Criteria for our Nurture Base Provision:

  • Children will be aged 3 to 4 years
  • Eligibility will be assessed by a Liverpool City Council SEND Early Years Officer

  • Children will have speech, language and communication needs or be on the neurodevelopment pathway or have a diagnosis of autism

  • Communicative abilities will be significantly delayed in both expressive and receptive skills and children are highly likely to have had these needs identified very early by a trained professional such as a speech and language therapist

  • Some children will be under assessment for or have additionally diagnosed conditions including cognition and learning needs (CLN) and sensory needs associated with autism or potential autism

  • The above needs impact upon the child simultaneously resulting in significant challenges to delivering provision without significant adaptations.

Placement of Children in our Nurture Base:

  • Individual children will be identified by the local authority in partnership with key staff in school

  • In order to quickly place and meet need, children will not require an EHCP to be eligible for a resourced maintained nursery school place, as it is expected that, as criteria for resourced provision has been met, children being placed will be assessed using the statutory frameworks, to ensure pathways into reception are considered at the earliest opportunity

  • For children with an EHCP, maintained nursery schools will be consulted by LCC's SEND Team