Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here is a list of our frequently asked questions. If you have any further queries, please call us on 0151 228 4672
When can my child start your school?
Children have to be aged 3 when they take up their school place with us. We have intakes throughout the year in September, October/November, January and March/April, depending on the availability of places.
Does my child need to attend school every day?
Yes. We are a nursery school, we deliver our curriculum on a 5-day model. Children entitled to 15 hours attend 5 mornings per week. If your child is entitled to 30 hours, children attend all day, every day, Monday to Friday.
Is there any flexibility with this?
Yes. Your child will need to commit to 5 mornings, but you can add on additional sessions to meet your childcare needs.
Do you offer breakfast and after school club?
Yes. Breakfast club is offered from 7.45am until 8.30am. After school club is offered from 3.00pm until 4.45pm (4.30pm on Fridays).
Do children wear school uniform?
Yes, boys and girls wear the same uniform consisting of a white polo shirt, green school fleece and green jogging bottoms. This can be purchased from a number of local retailers.
What are the main the differences between East Prescot Road and other nurseries or childminders?
We are a Liverpool Maintained Nursery School (MNS) for three and four year olds. We are not a private business; we do not operate for profit. Every penny we receive is invested in our children to secure the best life chances for them.
We provide a carefully designed school curriculum, we have a Headteacher, board of governors, qualified classroom teachers and a qualified Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO). As a school, our highly trained and qualified staff have the experience, knowledge and expertise to deliver our ambitious curriculum.
We know from research that high-quality teaching is what makes the greatest difference to children’s educational outcomes; that is why maintained nursery schools are so important.
Our school’s policies and procedures are laid down by Liverpool City Council. As a local authority school, we operate on a term-time only basis, following the agreed Liverpool Term Dates.
Are there any additional charges?
If your child stays for a full day, there is a small charge to cover the cost of providing staffing over the lunchtime period. Alternatively, you can collect your child at lunch time and then bring them back for the afternoon session.
We charge for Breakfast and Afterschool club, again, to cover the costs of the additional staff required.
We do not charge for 'consumables' like many other early years providers as we believe that education should be free of charge.
Do you offer hot lunches?
We do not provide hot lunches. We ask your child to come to school with a healthy packed lunch box/bag which we keep refrigerated until lunch time.