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Sustainability is important in our school. Sustainability refers to the ability to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

In the early years, sustainability involves teaching young children about the importance of protecting the environment, conserving resources, reducing waste, and promoting a healthy and equitable society. This is important because the actions we take today will have a significant impact on the world that our children and grandchildren will inherit.

We promote the use of recycled materials, reclaimed resources and look to natural items instead of constantly purchasing from academic resource catalogues. We aim to be creators and not consumers.

To help children understand the beauty of this planet, to look after it, admire its beauty and respect it unconditionally. 

Research shows that teaching sustainability in the early years can have a positive impact on children's environmental attitudes and behaviours. 

Teaching sustainability in the early years helps children develop an understanding of their role in creating a sustainable world. It also promotes responsible citizenship and helps children learn to make informed decisions about the environment and their own health. By teaching young children about sustainability, we can help create a generation of environmentally conscious individuals who are committed to making a positive impact on the world.